Rooted School Vancouver

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Driving STEM: Revolutionizing Algebra Education with RC Cars | Rooted School Vancouver

Part 1: Setting the Stage

At Rooted School Vancouver, we are committed to revolutionizing education and closing the opportunity gap through innovative teaching methods and strong community partnerships. This year, we are excited to announce our collaboration with the International STEM League (iNSL) to bring an engaging and dynamic approach to Algebra education using RC cars.

Our Vision and Mission

Rooted School Vancouver is part of a national charter system known for its cutting-edge high school model. Our vision is to rapidly close America's inequality gap by ensuring our high school graduates have a college acceptance in one hand and a job in the other. We exist to provide our students personal pathways to financial freedom.  We are dedicated to preparing our students for success in both higher education and the workforce.

The Partnership Project

Our partnership with iNSL integrates two powerful educational frameworks: STEM+Project Based Learning and Math Modeling. While addressing Common Core Algebra standards for Data and Statistics, our primary goal is to cultivate strong mathematical thinking in our students. According to the National Research Council (NRC 2001), the ability to evaluate complex calculations becomes increasingly crucial as technology advances. This is where mathematical thinking steps in. It's not just about numbers and solving equations; it's about making assumptions, simplifying situations, identifying patterns, and reflecting on outcomes.

Using RC Cars to Teach Algebra

One of the most exciting aspects of our project is the use of RC cars to teach Algebra. These remote-controlled cars are not just toys; they are powerful tools for engaging students in real-world applications of math concepts. By integrating RC cars into our lessons, we provide hands-on experiences that make abstract algebraic concepts tangible and relatable. Students will collect data on speed, distance, and time, applying their learning to control and optimize the performance of the RC cars. This practical application helps students see the relevance of algebra in everyday life and various career fields.

Mathematical Practices

The Common Core Standards (CCS) outline eight key mathematical practices essential for developing mathematical thinking:

  1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

  4. Model with mathematics.

  5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

  6. Attend to precision.

  7. Look for and make use of structure.

  8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Modeling mathematics is the fourth practice but serves as the gateway to the other seven practices, creating the ideal environment for building mathematical thinking.

Our Journey at Rooted School Vancouver

We are thrilled to take you behind the scenes of our innovative teaching methods, challenges, and successes. Our adventure began with a pre-assessment session where we observed students and conducted pretests, including several authentic assessments using a series of measurement activities and tools. Unlike a regular classroom, STEM Fridays offer a unique learning environment. Students spend four days a week in their regular classrooms, including Algebra 1 for math, progressing through grade-level standards with the help of dedicated, caring, and capable teachers.

However, we recognize that many students have learning gaps due to their middle-grade experiences during COVID-19, where many learned primarily at home and online. STEM Fridays provide an opportunity for teachers to view student learning through a new lens, identifying previously hidden learning gaps while easing students into a project-based environment that typifies many 21st-century workplaces.

Focus Areas

Based on our initial observations, we set the following focus areas:

  • Increase student engagement.

    • Help attention-challenged students stay focused and on task.

    • Teach collaboration incorporating "The Rooted Way" philosophy.

  • Build mathematical reasoning through CCS mathematical practices.

    • Practice recognition of patterns and structures.

    • Promote the use of language that reflects mathematical structure.

  • Solve problems mathematically.

    • Address basic computation skills and estimation.

    • Review measures of central tendencies.

    • Review measurement and units, including the conversion of units.

    • Review exponents and fractions.

In the next part of our series, we will dive into the specific activities and techniques we used, in partnership with iNSL to bring these goals to life using the 5E model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate). Stay tuned to learn more about our journey and the innovative ways we're transforming math education at Rooted School Vancouver!